
December 28, 2023

Coastal Management Approaches

Accepting the tide We have to consider this approach as our baseline.  This approach involves no intervention or management, where the coast is allowed to effectively evolve naturally. Beaches and saltmarsh habitats are able to move landward naturally as sea levels rise, erosion is unconstrained and flooding will become deeper and more frequent over time.…

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What is geotechnical investigation?

Geotechnical Investigation Geotechnical investigations are performed to obtain data about the subsurface soil and rock conditions of the proposed development site. It helps to understand the foundation requirements for the construction of any new infrastructures, underground utilities, underground parking lot and surrounding parking areas. These investigations are essential for design and structural engineers to recommend…

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Hydrographic Surveying

Many of the things you buy in the store probably traveled, at some point, on a ship. The U.S. marine transportation system moves nearly 80 percent of the United States’ overseas trade (by weight). Over 1.34 billion metric tons of cargo, valued at $1.73 trillion, shipped in and out of U.S. ports in foreign trade…

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